An Urban Tree Strategy for the Eurobodalla
Our tree-lined roads and lanes, boasting iconic established trees, are integral to the character of our communities, yet residents are constantly rallying to defend these trees from overzealous roadside clearing.
This year alone we have seen the removal or proposed removal of established native roadside trees on Congo Rd, Tomakin Rd, Broulee Rd, and on Turnbulls Lane, Moruya. This has been an affront to the values of the Nature Coast. There is room for development, road safety measures and the retention of our beloved trees.
On council we will develop a Shire-wide Tree Strategy to protect and expand existing urban tree canopy and to retain iconic trees in the rural landscape.
We will also begin engagement with the community around roadside trees vs. speed and safety considerations. The bushfires have changed everything and in their aftermath, with the tragic loss of habitat and biodiversity, the removal of any trees needs serious consideration.
We will listen to current community attitudes around how we manage trees.
It is understandable that any roadside vegetation that may impede the clear vision of travelling motorists is either trimmed or removed.
Residents are concerned that established native trees that have obviously been on the side of existing roads for many years are being unnecessarily removed.
Roadside clearing is often exempt from the ESC Tree Preservation Code and residents are left wondering why they are losing trees to upgrade roads to higher speed ratings when, if asked, they would often prefer to drive slowly, retain the trees and enjoy the shaded lanes and roads.
Securing sufficient tree canopy is also critical to addressing the Urban Heat effect; a rapidly growing issue due to climate change and urban development. On council we also commit to improving shaded, shared pathways for walkable neighbourhoods and connected communities. Shade on pathways is critical to their user-friendliness!
We need to protect and expand tree canopy, ensuring that as our communities grow so does our green cover. We will address the need for more trees and plant diversity in our streets and parks as part of our Pathways and Tree Strategies.